From: Carrie
I love ginger so when my friend made this for a Wine Night, I could have licked my bowl! I was looking for something different to make for the family, so this was perfect. Although soup in the summer doesn't always sound good, this was really yummy. Here's the basic recipe from Carrie (with some of my notes included):
1. Bake the squash. I only used 1 for this soup but if I did it again I would probably use 2. The baking directions are on the sticker label on the squash. Plan for about 30 minutes. (My sticker label said to microwave it, so I did... and it took about 5 minutes!).
2. Chop up some onion, garlic, Ginger, or whatever vegetable you want in the soup. This is just your decision on how much flavor of each thing you want. This is where you can get creative/make other kinds of soups (Potato? Bell Pepper?)
3. Couple tablespoons of oil (I use grape seed oil these days, but feel free to use olive)... put into a large sautee pan and turn heat on to medium-ish.
4. Throw in your veggies and sautee for about 5 minutes.
5. Next add your broth - either chicken or veggie- and your squash. I would either use almost all of a carton size or 3-4 cans.
6. Turn heat to low and let the vegetables and broth simmer for around 20 minutes. This is where you can season it too, using salt, pepper, cardamom, etc.
7. Have a blender ready. After all has cooked, put it all into the blender and puree:)
8. Taste it and determine if you want to make it creamy. If so I would add a tablespoon or so of butter and maybe about a cup of heavy cream. You can also add more seasoning in this step, too, if needed. (I put in some coconut milk!)
9. And that's that! There's a recipe using bell peppers and tomatoes and onions that is the same process, and when everything is being blended, you're to add 1/2 cup Almond Butter. It's real good!